Wednesday, May 22, 2013

If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do the more you can do. – Lucille Ball

With the school year nearing the end, I am dedicating this post to all those parents, families and teachers who took time out of their schedules to help out with the Parent Teacher Community Connection.  It is an organization I am proud to be a part of and is made up of a remarkable group of people, who are dedicated to making our Romulus Central School community better.  We had many successful programs and provided loads of entertainment, all through the school year.  I want to sincerely thank you for baking the cupcakes, volunteering to set up, chaperoning, hustling to sell tickets, and mostly for bringing the whole family out to have fun. 
I joined this organization in 2011, of course because I aspired to get involved in my daughter’s school.  Before that, I had considered helping out for a while but never really acted, on my thoughts.  At a community event, I saw the newly selected president of the PTCC, Vickie Shields, and as always she was busting her butt for others.  For those who don’t know, Vickie has six kids under her roof, and runs a successful at home business.   Despite how busy she is on the home front, she still finds the time to give back to the community.  When I saw how hard Vickie was working that day, something clicked in my head.  I approached her about volunteering, because I figured if she can find the time, so can I.  I have been by her side ever since, and little did I know that a few months later, I would take on such a major role, in the group.

The late Lucille Ball once said, “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.  The more things you do the more you can do.”   My daughter wants to be involved in everything these days.  If a handout comes home from school to join something, she wants to sign up.  I love her energy and will continually encourage her to try different things.  So we sign up.   Subsequently we have been flung into more and more activities and I’m noticing the same faces over and over again.  Some of the reason is the small school charm of Romulus but I like to think we have a select group of devoted parents.  Perhaps the whole world should be a little bit more like Vickie and the dedicated parents out there.  Don’t say you don’t have time, make the time; the busier you are, the more you will be able to get done.
I’d like to give a BIG shout out to all those parents that give and give and give, of their time.  You know who you are, the parents that come to every practice, never miss a recital, volunteer to help bake cookies, coach a youth team, sell raffle tickets, volunteer in the classroom, drive the car pool, sign up to chaperone and attend all of our crazy PTCC events.  You are the SUPER RCS FAMILIES and I am so pleased to be a part of your group.  Being a parent can be busy, but a busy person always gets the job done.  What would our community look like without you?   As a graduate of Romulus Central School and a mother of a RCS student, I appreciate all that you are giving to our kids and to my alma mater.  Thank you.

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