Friday, June 14, 2013

“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventures, story-tellers, and singers of songs.” – Pam Brown

Father’s day is upon us and it’s that time of year we all run out to the store to find that perfect neck tie, fishing pole, golf club or BBQ set for a special man, our dad.  Why do we do it to ourselves?  We run around looking for the perfect gift just because Hallmark or some tradition says, on this day, in June, you will honor and celebrate your father.  Sure it’s nice, but here’s an idea, why not we be grateful for our fathers, show them and tell them what they mean to us, spend some time with them and skip the tie this year.  I mean, who really wants a tie?
I can’t help but chuckle thinking about it but maybe Chris Rock had it right when he ranted on about “The Real Daddy”, in his hilarious comedy act.  It’s about how dads have it tough and are underappreciated.  If you haven’t seen it, check I out, YouTube it and do it now, it will bring tears to your eyes, from laughing so hard, or maybe it’s just my sick sense of humor.  I loved it.   Of course, I will not do Chris Rock justice, (I’ll leave out the expletives) to sum it up, Chris mentions that no one thanks dads for doing their job.  Most of the things we take for granted; like paying the rent, making sure there is heat or making sure the lights are on in the house, which are traditionally the dad’s job.   Chris goes on to joke about how mom gets all the credit and thanks.  Maybe he’s on to something.  Are the “REAL” dads out there underappreciated?   I’m talking about those dads that are there for their kids, day in and day out, working overtime to keep a roof over their family’s head and a meal on the table.  The dad that volunteers to help coach sports, the dad that tucks their kids in every night and the dad that loves their children’s mother. 

I enjoyed a quote by Pam Brown (whomever that is) that read, “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventures, story-tellers, and singers of songs.”  I hope that my husband recognizes how much he is loved and needed by me and my daughter.  Once he became a dad, he has done things I would have never thought he was capable of doing.  He genuinely is a “REAL” dad.  I might even consider him an amazing one.  Not only does he work exceptionally hard, for our family, but he is always so present, in my daughter’s life.  He never misses the important stuff and is always right by my side for the little things, doing everything with her, most of the time BETTER than I do.  There is nothing ordinary about my daughter’s daddy, he is her hero and with all the adventures they have, I can’t think of a better role model than him.   Most men do start off ordinary but are catapulted into superhero status once they become fathers, as it should be. 

I am very lucky that I have had nothing but great examples of father’s, throughout my life.  My daughter and I are so very fortunate to have three very ordinary men that have taken on the role of HERO, in our lives.  To my father-in-law, thank you for raising such an astonishing son, you should be proud.  Know that we may not see each other as often as we once did, but I genuinely appreciate everything you have done for me along the way, thanks for being my second dad.  To my father, I think you already know how I feel; you have always been my hero and the only thing better than having you as my dad is having you as my daughter’s papa.   To my husband, thank you for loving me and showing our daughter how she should expect to be treated one day, by her husband, you are the cream of the crop, in the dad department.
If you are privileged, like me, to have such amazing male role models, in your life, whether it is your father or someone else’s, please make sure you appreciate them.  Let them know how much they are needed and appreciated, every time they do something that might seem small, at the time, but is rather important, in the big picture.  Let’s not take for granted the good fathers of the world.  “The Real Daddy” is the role model of our future and a bigger hero than any superhero, in a cape.  The calendar has told me today is the day to honor all things DAD.  So, I will channel my inner Chris Rock and say to each and every one of you fathers out there, “Thanks for knocking out the rent!”

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