Sunday, June 2, 2013

“We meet no ordinary people in our lives. If you give them a chance, everyone has something amazing to offer." - Unknown

As this week draws to a close and I am spending my Sunday, on the deck, looking out at the lake, I am truly humbled by how marvelous my life is.   As the warm lake wind is whipping through my hair, I have had a few minutes of tranquility, at the end of my busy week.  With peace comes clarity and this moment right now, is no different.  My mind had drifted off into thinking about friends and all the friendships that I am currently blessed to have.   So, why not pick up a pen and paper and began writing my post for today.  
It seems like, as everything in life, our friendships change right along with our personal growth.  As my life has evolved, so have my friendships.   I guess this makes sense, when you are younger you make friends at school with kids that have common interests (let’s face it school is really the first place you have that is your own and where you first learn to socialize).  After my school life, friends came in and out of my life along with my interests, and I don’t know about you but my interests have definitely changed since I was in college.  Each time a new friend enters my life, I learn and grow.  I will always appreciate the time, regardless of how long it was, with friends throughout my life.   Since we can’t go back in time, nor do I want to, moving forward and growing is all we can do.   
I read a quote recently by an unknown that said, “We meet no ordinary people in our lives.  If you give them a chance, everyone has something amazing to offer.”  Currently at this chapter of my life, I can truly and honestly say I have been blessed to have such amazing chums come into my life.  While I will never forget my buddies of the past, the ones that have offered me such amazing friendships in many of the pivotal times of my life, I am excited about the future of the friendships I have created.  The bonds that I am currently building are definitely not ordinary and have proved to already offer so much to my life.  As I grow with my friends, I feel like I’m living my life a little more to the fullest every day and I look forward to the friends that will come, in my future.
As I sit here looking out at the lake that I love and call home, I realize how fortunate am I to have so many great people to share my life with.  So here’s to drinking wine on the neighbors’ deck, impromptu gatherings, softball camaraderie, evening ice cream trips with lots of shits and giggles, endless and senseless banter between pals during online chats, and fun times at the lake.  I am happy to say I’m surrounding myself with some really remarkable people, ones that know how to have fun, try new things, and really understand the meaning of life, which in my opinion, is to not take life too serious.    I have always heard you are the company you keep.  I sure hope this is true because that would make me awesome!
Let us all take time to look around at the company we are keeping, learn to let go of the relationships that bring you down and hang on to those that lift you up.   Some friends come into our lives and leave just as fast as they arrive, while others stick around for a lifetime.  No matter how long you spend with people, make it count, try to be the best you can be and remember to help others be their best too.  When you are surrounded by the people you are meant to be with at this moment in your life, have fun and live life to the fullest, I know I am.  Special thanks to all the friends throughout my life, you have helped make me who I am today. 
Above all things, I am so grateful that I gave a seemly ordinary boy the chance many moons ago to show me how exceptional he is.   No matter what friends come and go from my life, I will always be lucky because my best friend is by my side, day in and day out and he will be there until the end.   When you meet new people remember no one is ordinary, just give them a chance to let them show you how awesome they are.   If you give people your time, they might give you something mind-blowing in return, what do you have to lose?

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