Monday, April 22, 2013

"I can't change the world but I can change the world in me." - Bono

The world we live in is an amazingly positive place or is it?  Recently I have caught myself saying, “What is the world coming to?”   Just turn on the news, we are bombarded with images and stories of all the problems of the world.  It seems like the world might be coming to an end; from major natural disasters to unstable individuals with guns and bombs.  The worst of the worst, and I am left wondering why? 

I’m sure this is nothing new and humans have asked themselves this question since time began.   The difference today is the 24 hour news cycle that seems to promote all things horrible.  With the abundance of news channels , the internet, social media and smartphones bringing information to us instantly, we know every negative story going on the second it’s happening, no matter if it’s down the street or around the globe.    No wonder people go out and commit heinous acts.  Our society seems to value infamy over positivity and I’m not sure I accept this.  Enough is enough.   Aren’t there any positive things happening in our world or should I just look someplace else?

As Bono said, “I can't change the world but I can change the world in me."  And that is what I aspire to do.  I hope to find all the positivity in MY LIFE and my community, no matter how small.   I will find the good again in the world and I want to INSPRIRE THE POSITIVE in people.  Good stories are out there and they are happening every minute of every day in every part of the world.  I recognize that for every negative story, there are numerous positive ones that go unnoticed and that will restore my hope in the human race and make me believe that our world is an amazing place.

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