Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"The things you take for granted someone else is praying for." - Unknown

If I came across a blog on positivity, I would assume the blogger is someone who smiles constantly, never has a bad day or is one of those flawless people who, always looks at the glass, as half full.  However that is not the case here.  I am not an optimist by nature.  Nor am I a pessimist.  I think some days, I’m one and other days, I am the latter.   I think of myself as a realist, or maybe that is just a lazy way to excuse my attitude?  Why can’t I be someone who looks at everything in a positive light?  I have so much to be grateful for.

Day to day we all take for granted the blessings we have in our lives, because we are indeed human, and we are flawed.   I can tell you that I get so sick of people using the line, “I just wasn’t happy.”  You’ve heard someone say this.   Was there a meeting I missed where they handed out promises for happiness?  

People throw around the word happy so flippantly, that I’m not sure most of us know the true meaning.  Webster defines happy as, enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment.  No wonder we can’t find happiness.  Who among us doesn’t want more; more money, more things, and more time? We WANT MORE of everything.  How can we be in a place of contentment, when society is always telling us we should want more?

Take some time today and think of the things you have in your life.  I promised, if you make an effort to do this, you will find the happiness that was already inside you.  Filter out the negative and really appreciate what you have.  I challenge anyone reading this to jot down 10 things that you are grateful for.  It will be hard to say,” I’m not happy,” when you look at all the amazing blessing we all have.

Next time you are having a glass half empty kind of day, remember this saying, “The things you take for granted someone else is praying for.”

1 comment:

  1. 10 things I appreciate in my life

    1) an amazing husband that loves me and who does the dishes
    2) a near PERFECT daughter, who makes me smile as much as she drives me to want to drink
    3) parents who have supported and loved me ALWAYS!
    4) friends that make me laugh
    5) my husband's job - thanks DUMAC
    6) my health - no UC flare ups
    7) my new activities - volleyball and hip hop dancing
    8) the home we share together
    9) all the family that I've learned from
    10) the recent change in weather - SUMMER is around the corner
    11) the fact that I have so much more than 10 things
    12) the amazing vacations and experiences I've shared with my family
    13) my brain - as limited as it is sometimes
    14) still having 2 grandmothers at age 36
    15) mountain dew - when I need a pick me up : )
