Thursday, May 9, 2013

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” - Ferris Bueller

Albeit the calendar formally told us spring was here over a month ago, I have been doubtful it would make it, to my house, this year.  For those who live in a cold winter climate, you should be able to relate.  For those who have no idea, what it’s like to freeze your butt off, may I move in with you next winter?  But seriously, I believe, spring has sprung and this past week’s weather has invigorated my disposition.  Doesn’t everything seem to change as soon as the weather breaks?  I think it feels like when the Technicolor kicks in for Dorothy, in the movie, The Wizard of Oz.  It truthfully is like the world comes back to life and each and every one of us comes out of hibernation, and it happens all at once.   

Our cold winters makes it seem like an eternity of very little outdoor happenings and goings-on.  But once, the weather breaks, I always find my calendar booked come May.  I think this might be mental.   We appear to jam a copious amount of plans into a somewhat small window of time. Maybe this is because we need to make up for all those months of being closed in or maybe it’s just that we feel restored when the decent weather arrives.  I can tell you that when the weather ultimately breaks, I feel like I’m trying to shove a gallon into a quart.  Hustle and bustle is in the air and I love to keep busy, it’s better than the winter monotony any day.   But why is it when all the winter greys fade away and the Technicolor gets turned on, do we not have time to enjoy it?

To use a quote from one of my much loved movies, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, “Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.”  With any luck each one of us can take a page from Ferris Bueller’s book (he was wise beyond his years) and take a day to play hooky from reality.  Spend a spring day looking around and experiencing the season where everything is coming back to life.  

No matter how busy I get this spring; I plan to STOP to appreciate the beautiful breeze through my house with all the windows open, smell the fresh cut grass when my neighbor mows, make time for that bike ride, wait for and watch the most beautiful sunsets, teach my daughter how to do cartwheels, enjoy working in the garden, toss around a baseball with friends, pick some lilacs, take a dip in the lake even if it’s chilly and seize that chance to go get ice cream with the family.  Even if I don’t get each of the things on my to do list done, I’m making a promise to myself.  I will take time to stop and look around at the awesomeness of spring, before I miss it, hopefully you can do the same.

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